Without a doubt, video is the most valued digital communication input these days. Its demand and necessity are so high that there are thousands of options for generating this material.

The affordability of the tools has brought, literally to anyone with a cellphone, the ability to produce their own videos. At PCHStudio® we believe that is wonderful.
However, this ease of creating live action video content is not the same for creating animated video content. Although the advertising of these applications may make it seem very simple, it is not so easy, or at least creating a video that really works.
"The ability to generate a video that meets its objective requires much more than spending a few dollars on an app for your phone."
Believing that by buying an app you will achieve marketing videos that meet their objective is like believing that buying a hammer and a saw will make you a carpenter capable of making easy-selling chairs. That is why it is very important not to confuse what is a tool and what is knowledge.
If you already have a skilled and experienced "graphic woodworker" on your team, we are completely sure that with tools like these, you will be able to increase your productivity and reduce your costs. If you do not have one, contact us, at PCHStudio® we will be very happy to help and advise you in the production of your videos.
This is the list of apps that we think are worth trying and that we want to recommend to you so that you have them as one more option to respond to your graphic production and audiovisual content needs.

Wait. Are you recommending your competitors to me?
As we mentioned before, the tool and knowledge are different things, so we do not consider the tools our competition, but quite the opposite, our allies.
At PCHStudio® we focus on strategy before execution. A good strategic conception makes the probability of success of your communication materials increase exponentially. Unfortunately, there is still no artificial intelligence in the market that can replace it.
We have responded to specific needs with specific budgets from large and small clients, and it doesn't hurt to have tools that facilitate work and optimize resources.
"At the end of the day, our job is to solve problems, and we love it."
These applications can save you from paying for software licenses, expensive computer equipment, and workspaces, but what they will never be able to replace is the ability of a person with the skill and experience accumulated to understand the complexity of the problem they want to solve, the ability to make the decision of why to use photo A and not B, based on the audience to which the video is directed, and much less understand the context in which this content will be published.
We encourage you to try these types of apps. You never know when our dear clients will need to launch a last-minute video post, and why not have the possibility of being able to attend to this need from our smartphones.
Hello, this is the first time I heard about this audio converter. I usually use https://www.movavi.com/learning-portal/best-free-mp3-converter-for-windows.html or MP3 converter. Perhaps one of them will work better for you than this one. I advise you to try it.